Monday, November 19, 2007

Towards the Promised Land by H.B. Moore

This is the third book in H.B. Moore's Out of Jerusalem series. It was a wonderful book that gave me some real insights into what life must have been like for Nephi and his family in the wilderness. I had never realized just how long eight years in the wilderness could be. I am looking forward to getting the forth book in this series.

Every muscle in Nephi's body tensed. Now was the time to tell his brother-regardless of Laman's certain temper. Nephi took a deep breath. "A ship," he said, almost inaudibly, then his voice gained strength. "I'm making tools to build a ship."

The ends of Laman's mustache twitched, but his eyes remained devoid of any real surprise. "You plan to fish in the deep swells?"

Exhaling, Nephi shook his head. "The Lord has commanded me to build a ship to take us to the Promised Land."

Laman stared at Nephi. "A ship to take us where?

It is time for Lehi's family to leave the place Bountiful for the Promised Land. But Nephi's older brother, Laman and Lemuel, believe they are already living in a promised land. Why should they leave their newfound abundance? Challenged with following instructions from the Lord while keeping peace within the family, Nephi forges ahead to build a ship that can cross oceans-but storms at sea are nothing compared to the turbulent relationship between Nephi and his older brothers.

With characters you will both love and loathe, H.B. Moore streams one suspenseful scene after another as she weaves well-researched facts with a wealth of imaginative detail. More than any other work of fiction, Out of Jerusalem brings the journey of the prophet Lehi's family to life in a way that will forever move your soul.

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